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Avoid These 9 Common Parenting Mistakes for Happy Families

In articles of a similar nature, we usually share tips for parents on how to nurture relationships with their children and raise them to be happy and confident. This time, conversely, we offer insights into actions to avoid.

1.Don't Panic: Start with yourself - children are very good at sensing our moods and picking them up. Calm parents also have calm children. Secondly, children need a lot of our patience, so a positive attitude of parents is extremely important. Be sure to get enough sleep, even if it affects the work at home. Do not refuse the help offered to you by loved ones, as long as it is offered to you. Try to spend some time away from home; change the environment. Remember that your child thrives when the family is filled with happiness and contentment.

2.Do Not Change the Decision: If you promised your child to do something, keep the promise. The same rule applies to bans. If something has been banned once, all other times this ban must also be respected. It cannot be that you cannot do the same things with your mother, but you can do them with your father. All family members must follow a clear parenting strategy.

3.Do Not Use Physical and Psychological Violence: This is a crime against a child. Numerous studies prove that psychological violence is similar in its consequences to physical violence. Humiliating children, yelling at them teaches the child to use force to solve conflicts. The little one will know that the one who is taller, older, stronger is right, and when he grows up he can "thank" you in the same way.

4.Don't Lie: If you are preparing for a vaccination, tell the child that he will be vaccinated, it will not be pleasant, but you will be there. If you smoke, explain to your child that it is a bad habit, you cannot get rid of it, but you will try to do it anyway. If your child asked you to do something, but you forgot, simply apologize. Even the most trivial lie undermines your authority.

5.No Blackmail: "If you stop screaming, I'll give you candy" or "if you don't stop acting like that, you won't be able to watch movies." This is training, blackmail, and manipulation. Always try to find the words to convince the child to do what you want him to do. The most important thing is to use patience.

6.Do Not Prohibit Too Much and Too Often: Before forbidding something to a child, think about whether this prohibition is really very important. Prohibitions should be as few as possible; otherwise, the child will simply not remember and accept them. Electrical switches, a hot stove, windows, the road - unequivocally not allowed. Everything else should be pulled as far as possible or you can relax and let it go. If your child discovers your expensive phone or expensive lipstick, you only have yourself to blame. This item has now become a well-deserved toddler trophy.

7.Don't Set a Bad Example: It is foolish to tell a child about the damage of smoking to the lungs while inhaling cigarette smoke. "I'm an adult, I can," - such an explanation will definitely not be effective.

8.Don't Be Afraid to Admit Your Mistakes: We are not gods, so we are wrong. If you yelled at a child in anger, if you made a bad decision or misunderstood the child, be sure to explain to him that you made a mistake and apologize. Fear not, your authority will not suffer as a result. It is important for the child to know that he does not need to be ashamed of his mistakes. After all, only from them do we get valuable experience.

9.Don't Be Afraid to Show Love: Don't be afraid to hug your child more often, take him in your arms, buy him a gift. The most important thing is to follow a clear parenting strategy described in the next points. If you strictly adhere to the rules you set yourself, you can spoil your child with love as much as you want - after all, childhood only comes once.

Conclusion: By avoiding these pitfalls, parents can create an environment where children feel secure, understood, and loved. Consistency, honesty, and a commitment to learning from mistakes contribute to building resilient and confident individuals.

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